"Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:1-2

Friday, October 21, 2011

Weekly Preview October 24-28

What a great Homecoming Week! Thanks for all of your help getting us dressed up for each day! It was so much fun, and the weather for the parade and picnic was perfect!

Since next week is a four day week for the students, I sent the spelling words home Thursday. We will take the practice test Wednesday and the test Thursday.

This week we did our first week of Daily Edit in language. Each day, I give them one sentence and read it to them. I tell them how many mistake are in the sentence, but not the type of mistake. There may be mistakes in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, or spacing. They write the sentence correctly and I take the papers up. Then we go over the sentence together and correct it on the SmartBoard. They know immediately if they got it correct. I go through the sentences before the next day and correct the mistakes in red ink. If they wrote the sentence correctly I put a little smile face at the end. When they get the papers back the next day, they see where I marked their answers, but they can't change anything on the previous day's sentence. The five sentences for the week will count as one daily grade in language and will come home in the signed papers. This week was a practice and did not count as a grade, but I will send it home Monday so you can see what I'm talking about. I marked it as though it counted so you can see what the grade would have been, but I wrote PRACTICE in big letters so you'll know it didn't count as a grade this week.

I look forward to seeing you on conference day. I have several things to give you as we look at your child's progress. I'm booked close together during the day. If my door is closed, just wait out in the hall and I'll get to you as soon as my other conference is over. I'll be very sensitive to the 15 minutes so you won't have to wait very long. Thank you in advance for your help in all that you do to help your child learn at school.

Here is our work for next week:
Reading -- "bossy" r (ar, or, er, ir ur), evaluate, compare/contrast
Math --place value
Language -- nouns
Science -- liquids
Bible -- Josiah the Boy King (memory verse Proverbs 3:5)

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Morrison