"Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:1-2

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Weekly Preview August 22-26

Our first full week of school was very busy! We have now been to all of our specialists. There is one change from the specialist schedule I gave you last week. We will now go to Science Lab on Mondays and we will go to Library on Fridays. We will start this schedule on August 22, so I will make sure the children get to go to the library early in the week so they can get another library book.

We plan to take the STAR test Tuesday. I will send home the report in next week's red folder. We took an AR test together on the laptops this week. The children are wanting to take LOTS of tests, but it is a slow process right now. It will be better after we have the information from the STAR test so each child can choose books on his/her reading level. We will get in our "groove" very soon!

In this week's red folder, you will find a brochure from the library. There is lots of information you can use. I am not going to continue sending hard copies of the AR reports like I did this week. I want to encourage you to sign up for AR Home Connect. The website is www.trinitywildcatroar.pbworks.com. Then click on the Home Connect icon which is a big apple. You will need to use your child's username and password to check test scores and points. I will include this in the folder.

Here is what we will be learning:
Reading -- short e, consonants n, f, p
Math --addition to 8
Language -- following directions
Social Studies -- My School
Bible -- Creation (memory verse Genesis 1:31)
We will also have our first chapel Thursday!

Hope you have a great weekend!
Mrs. Morrison