"Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:1-2

Friday, August 12, 2011

Weekly Preview August 15-19

We had a great first week of school. We went to P.E., Spanish, Science Lab, and LUNCH! I've slept like a rock every night since school started. Your children have probably been tired, too. They have been wonderful. I'm excited about the year.

We will go to the library for the first time Monday. I have not given the STAR test to determine AR level, but it will be soon. I'll tell you more about AR after we have taken the test.

I am still fine-tuning my schedule, but here are the days we will have specialists:
P.E. --every day
Library -- Monday
Music -- Monday and Wednesday
Spanish -- Wednesday and Thursday
Science Lab -- Friday
Computer will not be a separate class, but will be integrated into the curriculum. We will use the Apple Cart in the classroom and the computer room in the new library.

Please look for the red weekly folder to come home Monday. We have a homework packet for next week! Here is what we will be working on:
Reading --short a words, consonants m, s, t, c
Math --addition to 6
Language --classifying
Social Studies --manners and safety
Bible -- Creation (memory verse Genesis 1:1)

Have a restful weekend!