"Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:1-2

Friday, May 11, 2012

Weekly Preview May 14-17

We have had such a great year  in first grade!  Thank you, parents, for all of your support and help this year.  I'm very proud of your children.  They have been a blessing to me.

We will see the 5th grade play Monday.  We look forward to that every year.

Our Semester Celebration will be at 8:15 Wednesday morning.  Dismissal is at 11:15. (no lunch)

Field Day is Thursday.  Be sure to wear your shirts that were sent home!  Dismissal is at 11:15.  (no lunch)

Here is what we'll do next week as we finish up first grade:
Reading -- Fairy Tales
Math -- mixed practice, addition/subtraction with regrouping 
Science -- plants
Bible -- review
No spelling or language next week!

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Mothers' Day, and HAPPY SUMMER!

Mrs. Morrison

Saturday, May 5, 2012

  • Weekly Preview May 7-11
  • We are so excited about the end of school!  Thank you for hanging in there all year and for all of your support.  It's been a great year.
  • Last week was our last Bible verse to be graded.  This week we will review Psalm 23, but they will not have to say it for a grade.
  • The AR store is Monday and the AR ice cream party for those with 30 points will be Friday.
  • I have started sending things home a little at a time.  I will continue to send folders and books home as we finish them.    
  • Our Semester Celebration will be 8:15-9:15 on Wednesday, May 16.  We will dismiss at 11:15 that day.  Field Day will be Thursday, May 17.  We will dismiss at 11:15 that day, and SUMMER WILL BEGIN!
  • Here is what we'll be doing next week:
  • Reading--fairy tales
  • Spelling -- Spelling City school words list
  • Math -- 2-digit subtraction with regrouping
  • Science -- plants
  • Language -- review
  •  Bible -- Elijah
  • Have a great weekend!
  • Mrs. Morrison

Thursday, April 26, 2012

  • Weekly Preview April 30-May 4 
  •  What a great week we had! We've been reviewing our skills in reading and learning new skills in math. We also worked hard learning to write on notebook paper so we'll be ready for second grade. We're almost there!
  •  In math we will be regrouping with addition and next week we will regroup with subtraction. These skills are being introduced, but they will not be graded. Please work with your child at least 5 minutes each night on addition and subtraction flashcards. We need to make sure we're solid and pretty fast on those basic facts. This is a skill that also needs to be reviewed this summer. 
  •  Here is what we'll be doing next week:
  •  Reading -- Arthur's Funny Money (possessives, pronouns, adjectives) 
  • Spelling -- Spelling City list HFW4 
  • Language -- review nouns/verbs
  •  Math -- addition with regrouping
  •  Science -- ants
  •  Bible -- Elijah (memory verse Psalm 23:6)
  •  Enjoy your weekend! Mrs. Morrison

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Weekly Preview April 23-27

The book reports we did this week were great! I could tell that there was lots of hard work put in at home. The children were very prepared and we enjoyed hearing what everyone else read. Thank you, parents, for helping us with our very first book report!

The Ahna's Angels concert today was very special. The angels did a beautiful job and again represented Trinity well. I love to hear their voices as they sing praises to our Lord. We will miss Mrs. Ahna. They will never forget her.

Our theme next week is baseball! We will do lots of fun activities around MY favorite sport!

Here is what we'll be working on next week:
Reading--The Littlest Leaguer (er/est, compound words)
Language -- persuasive writing
Spelling -- Spelling City list HFW3
Math -- 2-digit addition/ subtraction (mixed practice)
Science -- Objects in the Sky
Bible -- David and Jonathan (memory verse Psalm 23:5)

Have a fantastic weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekly Preview April 16-20

Tah-Tah Day was so much fun! We had a parade and lots of fun activities to go with our story about Ira. Next week we will read a Nate the Great story and switch classes to learn about dinosaurs.

Remember that book reports are due Monday. I will pull a few students each day to present the book reports in class. You may keep the sample book report that was sent home. Please return the book and the completed report in the bag so they won't get separated.

Our last ever Ahna's Angels concert is Thursday at Mulder Church. I know it will be a special time.

Here is what we'll work on next week:
Reading -- Nate the Great
Spelling -- Spelling City list HFW2
Language -- book reports
Math -- 2-digit subtraction
Science -- Objects in the Sky
Bible -- David and Goliath (memory verse Psalm 23:4)

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Friday, April 6, 2012

Weekly Preview April 9-13

I hope you are having a wonderful Easter weekend as we celebrate our risen Lord!

I sent home a note Friday about "Tah-Tah Day" on April 13. We will wear our pajamas and bring a stuffed animal (like Ira's Tah-Tah) or blanket for the day as we do activities for our story. It will be a VERY fun day!

I will also send a note home Monday about our Ahna's Angels trip on April 19. We will sing at Mrs. Ahna's church, Mulder Methodist, in Wetumpka. Everyone is invited to attend this final concert of the year. It will begin at noon.

Your child should have brought home all the materials needed for the book report, including a sample that we worked on in class this week. This is the only written homework that we will have this week. The report will be due April 16.

Here is what we'll be working on this week:
Reading -- Amelia Bedelia, Stories of Three, Ira Sleeps Over
Spelling -- Spelling City list HFW1
Language -- letter writing
Math -- 2-digit addition
Social Studies -- Our Country
Bible -- David (memory verse Psalm 23:3)

Have a blessed Easter!
Mrs. Morrison

Friday, March 30, 2012

Weekly Preview April 2-5

I hope you have had a wonderful Spring Break! I've enjoyed mine!

We are really on the last leg of first grade now! We are almost finished with our basal reading books. We will do units from trade books and our supplemental readers during our last few weeks of school. We will also do our first book report. We will work on a sample this week in class, then I will send home the information for the report that is to be done at home.

Please remember that we will be out of school this week for Good Friday.

Here is what we'll be working on this week:
Reading -- er/est, cause/effect
Spelling -- Spelling City list 10-3
Language -- book reports
Math -- capacity
Social Studies -- Our Country
Bible -- Easter (memory verse Matthew 28:6)

Enjoy the rest of Spring Break!
Mrs. Morrison

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Weekly Preview March 19-23

I was so proud of Ahna's Angels as they ministered to the residents of Hickory Hill this week. They sang old hymns that the residents knew, and they were a blessing to me and to all who heard them. I look forward to the Angel concert on April 19 at Mulder Church. It will be a very special time.

We've had another great week with a field trip, a fire drill, a report card, an author, and all of our regular activities. Whew! I think we're ready for Spring Break! We will dismiss at 11:30 Friday. Our only activities that day will be with the Science Fest. I will send the spelling words home this weekend because we will have our test and say the Bible verse Thursday.

Here is our work for next week:
Reading -- adding es/ies, sequence
Spelling -- Spelling City list 10-2
Language -- compound words
Math -- measurement
Science -- air and weather
Bible -- Easter (memory verse Luke 23:46)

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Weekly Preview March 12-16

Well, your first graders are almost second graders! We are starting the last nine weeks! I'll send report cards home Thursday for the third nine weeks. I'll also send progress reports home in the Monday folder with a sticky note to let you know how many AR points your child has at this point. Each first grader needs 30 points by the end of the year to be able to go to the ice cream party. The ipods have really helped us take more tests because we don't have such a long wait!

Ahna's Angels will sing at Hickory Hill in Prattville this Wednesday. Please remember to dress your child in the Angel outfit Wednesday.

Author Eric Litwin will be here Friday. It's always great to meet an author.

Here is what we'll be working on next week:
Reading --ed/ing endings (double final consonant, drop e), predicting outcomes
Spelling -- Spelling City list 10-1
Language -- multiple meanings
Math -- fractions (parts of a group)
Science -- air and weather
Bible -- Easter (memory verse Matthew 26:41 -- we will go back and finish learning all of Psalm 23)

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Weekly Preview March 5-9

We are finishing the last nine weeks! Wow! Time flies when you're having fun!

We're excited about Let's Pretend Hospital and we are going to read lots of Dr. Seuss books in honor of his birthday.

Here is what we'll be working on next week:
Reading -- endings (s, ed, ing, ful, ly, y), compare/contrast
Spelling -- Spelling City list 9-3
Math -- fractions
Language -- homonyms
Science -- air and weather
Bible -- God speaks to Samuel (memory verse Psalm 23:2)

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Friday, February 24, 2012

Weekly Preview February 27-March 2

We've had a very fun week! Today my class wrote in their journals about their grandparents because we read a story about a little boy and his grandaddy. Their stories were precious. I had them go back to what they wrote earlier in the year and they can see how much they've learned. I'm very proud of them!

Next Friday we will go to Let's Pretend Hospital. It's a great trip sponsored by Baptist Hospital that just shows first graders the "stations" patients go through as they enter the hospital. It's geared for first graders and it's always a great trip. They even get to see the inside of an ambulance!

Mrs. Ahna has also planned a trip for the Angels to sing in Prattville on March 14. More information will be coming on that trip.

Here is what we'll learn next week:

Reading -- au/aw, story structure
Spelling -- Spelling City list 9-2
Math -- plane and solid shapes
Language -- capitals and commas
Science -- air and weather
Bible -- Hannah prays for a son (memory verse Psalm 23:1 -- We will eventually learn all of Psalm 23)

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Weekly Preview February 21-24

We had a fun Valentine's week. Thanks for our party and all the cute treats! We had some very creative Valentines in our class.

Let's Pretend Hospital will be Friday, March 2. I'll be sending home the permission slip next week.

I sent next week's spelling words home before the long weekend. We have another short week next week. There will not be a dictation sentence next week.

Here is what we'll work on:
Reading -- oy/oi, details
Spelling -- list 9-1 on Spelling City
Language -- capitals and commas
Math -- graphs, fact families
Social Studies -- continents
Bible -- The "Lost" stories (sheep, coin, son) (memory verse John 10:11)

Have a nice LONG weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 13-16

We enjoyed going to the play this week. We are now interested in reading more Henry and Mudge books!

We made our Valentine bags this week and we're excited about our party Tuesday afternoon!

If you have flashcards at home, it's a good idea to practice the addition and subtraction facts all the way to 20. We will still be working on this skill and flashcard practice at home will help your child be faster getting the answers.

We will be working on tooth stories next week. If your child has not lost a tooth yet, then the story will be about what you THINK will happen when you lose a tooth. I didn't lose a tooth until after first grade!

Our next two weeks will be 4-day weeks. We are off Friday, February 17, since we haven't needed a weather day, and we will be off the following Monday for Presidents' Day. That will make for a great 4-day weekend in between!

Here is our work:
Reading -- silent letters (kn, wr, gn, mb), drawing conclusions
Spelling -- Spelling City list 8-3
Language -- tooth stories
Math -- addition/subtraction facts to 20
Social Studies -- land and water
Bible -- Jesus heals a blind man (memory verse Mark 10:52)

Have a restful weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Weekly Preview February 6-10

I hope you have had a great week like we have! We have worked very hard and accomplished many fantastic things! Be sure to ask about our Purple Cows!

Our field trip to see "Henry and Mudge" at the Davis Theater is Wednesday.

We will make Valentine bags in class next week. The children do not need to bring a box. They can start bringing their cards Friday.

Here is our work for next week:
Reading -- oo (look, cook, book), main idea and details
Spelling -- Spelling City list 8-2
Language -- antonyms
Math -- subtraction from 20
Science -- balance and motion
Bible -- Jesus Walks on Water and Calms the Storm (memory verse Matthew 14:27)

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Weekly Preview January 30-February 3

We've had another busy week! Our Book Fair was great, we celebrated the 101st day of school, we went to chapel, and we finished our culture study of Spain. We've had a lot going on!

Now we have a field trip planned for February 8. We will go to the Davis Theater to see the play "Henry and Mudge." We have our drivers in place and our sack lunches ordered. We will leave around 9:00 and be back to school around 11:30. We will eat sack lunches in our room that day. The cost for this was included in the activity fee for the year.

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching! We will have our party on Valentine's Day at 2:00. The children can start bringing their cards on February 10. We will make our Valentine bags in class.

We also have two off days coming soon. February 17 is our weather day and February 20 is Presidents' Day. That will be a nice long weekend.

Here is what we'll work on next week:
Reading -- ou/ow, classification
Spelling -- Spelling City list 8-1
Language -- adjectives
Math -- addition to 20
Science -- balance and motion
Bible -- Jesus Feeds 5,000 (memory verse Ephesians 4:32)

Have a restful weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Friday, January 20, 2012

Weekly Preview January 23-27

Thank you so much for helping with Open House! The Angels looked great and sounded great and everyone could tell they were having fun. I really appreciate the extra effort you made to get your child here for an evening performance.

We have had a very busy week. Mr. Ed Gannon from the Vintage Olive come to talk to us about how olive oil is used in Spain. We also got to taste some olive oil. We have more planned this week during our culture study of Spain. This week will also include activities to celebrate the 101st day of school!

The Book Fair will be in the Paw Place room downstairs this week. I have scheduled a time for my class to go on Monday and Wednesday so they can look or shop.

Here is what we'll be learning this week:
Reading -- soft g (ge, gi, gy), fantasy/realism, syllables
Spelling -- Spelling City list 7-3
Language -- adjectives
Math -- patterns
Science -- balance and motion
Bible -- Jesus Loves the Children (memory verse Luke 18:16)

Have a nice weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Friday, January 13, 2012

Weekly Preview January 16-20

We have started our culture study of Spain! Abby's cousin, Lauren Carroll, came and talked to us this week. She is about to go study in Spain for several months. She had lots of information and we were able to ask questions. She did a great job! We have other guests that will also help us learn about the Spanish culture.

Remember that Monday is a holiday. I sent the spelling words home Friday so you can get a head start on them. Also, please remember that we will sing at the Kindergarten Open House this Thursday night. Thank you for your support.

Here is what what we'll be learning this week:
Reading --soft c (ce, ci, cy), sequence, compound words
Spelling -- Spelling City list 7-2
Language -- ABC order
Math -- spatial concepts (symmetry, over/under, using grids)
Social Studies -- Work!
Bible -- Jesus Calls His Disciples (memory verse Matthew 4:19)

Stay warm this weekend! Molly called me from Iowa and it was 10 degrees with a negative 6 windchill! She will be happy to be back in the south!

Mrs. Morrison

Friday, January 6, 2012

Weekly Preview January 9-13

Thank you for MORE birthday wishes and flowers! I've had lots of nice surprises this week!

We kicked off our Spain culture study today. It will be fun to learn about another country.

Our semester celebration is at 8:15 Monday morning in Willett Hall. Students who made all A's for the first semester or who have been monthly top AR winners for their grade level will stand to be recognized. Parents are welcome to attend.

We will not have school on the holiday next Monday, January 16.

Here is what we'll be learning next week:
Reading -- y says e or i, summarizing
Spelling -- Spelling City list 7-1
Language -- synonyms
Math -- telling time
Social Studies -- needs and wants, goods and services
Bible -- Jesus is tempted (memory verse Matthew 4:4)

Have a nice weekend!
Mrs. Morrison

Monday, January 2, 2012

Weekly Preview January 4-6

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a nice break! I enjoyed spending time with my family, my husband's family, and our family. We moved Molly home from Milledgeville and she's almost settled in at our house. She goes to Iowa next week and then she starts her clinical rotations here the next week.

Thank you for my surprise package of great birthday cards! That was so sweet!

Report cards will go home Thursday. I will not send home signed papers Wednesday when we come back to school. We did some graded work the week before Christmas and we will do some this week, so I'll send both weeks home in the red folder next Monday. All of this work will count on the third nine weeks.

In spelling this week we will review long vowel words. It's a short week, so the test this week will not count. I am starting the dictation sentence on the spelling test this week. At the beginning of the week I will give the children the sentence that will be on the spelling test. It will be graded like a daily edit sentence. I will check for spelling, spacing, capitalization, word order, and punctuation. We'll do all of this during the week but everything will be practice. It will start counting as a grade next week.

Here is what we'll be doing in this short week:
Reading -- long vowel review, predicting
Spelling -- Spelling City list 6-3, dictation sentence: Please pray for me.
Language -- contractions
Math -- fact families, graphs, place value review
Social Studies -- work
Bible -- The Boy Jesus (We will practice Luke 2:52 as a memory verse, but it will not count on the Bible grade)

See you Wednesday!
Mrs. Morrison